Energy Saving
Why save Energy?
The energy we consume in our homes makes up about 1/4 of the UK's CO² emissions. A lot of this energy is wasted and a few simple conservation measures can help you to easily avoid many tonnes of CO² emissions. Energy saving measures will also save money on fuel bills and make your home more comfortable - by simply reducing draughts, damp and condensation.
Government Targets for Reducing Carbon Emissions in the UK
The government believes that climate change is one of the gravest threats we face and that urgent action at home by all of us is required. The development of renewable sources will enable the UK to play its full part in international efforts to reduce the production of harmful greenhouse gasses.
In 2009 the UK Government set its target to achieve 15% of its energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020 - comparing to its previous 3% in 2009. The government are hopeful, and analysis demonstrates that this is possible with the given incentives such as the Feed In Tariff, Renewable Heat Inventive and soon the release of The Green Deal. All in which play a significant part in cutting CO² emissions and receiving electricity and heat from renewable sources.
The Carbon Budget is a cap on the total quantity of green house gas emissions emitted in the UK over a specified time. Under a system of carbon budgets, every tonne of CO² emitted between now and 2050 will count. Where emissions rise in one sector, the government plan to achieve corresponding falls in another.
All in all, the governments' targets to reduce carbon emissions by 2050, and increase the use of renewable technologies by 12% by 2020, is to lead us to a low carbon UK economy. The timescales being set at 2020 and 2050 provide a long term frame work for how we can achieve these targets.
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is the increase in the earth's average temperature since the beginning of the 20th century and it impacts now and in the future. Since about the 1900s the average near-surface temperature of the planet has increased by 0.75 degrees Celsius and the UK's sea level has risen about 10cm. Although these figures don’t seem a lot, they have major affects and consequences for our planet. Further global rises are expected, as well as more extreme weather conditions like flooding.
What are the causes of climate change?
There is very strong evidence that recent global warming can't be explained by natural causes alone. We humans are changing the climate by our actions, especially through emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which artificially warms the earth's Atmosphere.
So how do we avoid contributing to climate change?

We act more efficiently in our homes!
Most of the energy we use in our homes is produced using processes that release CO² emissions. CO² emissions are the most significant cause of climate change so saving energy at home is one of the most important things you can do to fight against it.
Why should my home be energy efficient?
Using energy from fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal in your home, releases carbon dioxide (CO²) into the environment. This is the primary contributing gas most responsible for climate change. Fossil fuels will not last forever and prices will increase as supplies begin to dry up. In contrast, renewable energies such as Biomass, heat pumps, water and solar energy are clean and nonpollutant sources which because of the earth, will never run out!
If you would like to enquire about Energy Saving, please call us on 01670 828695 (Northumberland), or 01751 432096 (North Yorkshire).